


Registering a business and fulfilling regulatory requirements can be a complex and time-consuming process, particularly when entrepreneurs are required to visit multiple regulatory agencies at different locations. Many business owners have expressed frustration with how cumbersome and inefficient this could be.

In addressing these challenges, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has continued to engage regulatory agencies and public bodies to integrate their services into the Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs) in order to create a more streamlined, cost-effective and accessible business licensing system.

The establishment of RSCs is part of a broader strategy to enhance the country’s business environment by bringing regulatory agencies together under one roof. The RSCs improve accessibility to regulatory services, reduce the time required for business registration by streamlining documentation processes and minimizes duplication of information requests by facilitating data sharing among participating institutions.

As part of its ongoing efforts to monitor and improve the business environment, BRRA is engaging local authorities such as Chinsali Municipal Council, Chipata City Council and Kasama Municipal Council on introduction of their services in the RSCs.

Following these engagements, Chipata City Council’s Acting Town Clerk, Donald Mwanza expressed the Council’s willingness to introduce its services in the RSCs while consultations with Kasama Municipal Council were ongoing. The Chinsali Municipal Council has already begun offering services in the Chinsali RSC.

These efforts demonstrate a commitment to simplifying regulatory process for businesses, reducing barriers to entrepreneurship and promoting economic growth. End.


Shows like the recently concluded 96th Agricultural and Commercial Show of Zambia (ACSZ) provide an invaluable platform for the Agency to directly engage with a wide range of stakeholders and showcase its activities and programmes.

Held under the theme “Creating a Competitive Future,” the ACSZ allowed the Agency to gather valuable input and feedback through interactions with its stakeholders.

The Agency participated in the One-Stop Shop exhibition under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI). Among the visitors to the stand was the MCTI Minister, Honourable Chipoka Mulenga, who encouraged the Agency to continue advocating for reforms aimed at reducing the cost of doing business in the country.

Hon. Mulenga was accompanied by the Permanent Secretary for Trade and Commerce, Lillian Bwalya. The Permanent Secretary for Investment and Industrialization, Crusivia Hichikumba, also interacted with the Agency staff and other statutory bodies.

The Agency remains committed to participating in various forums to directly connect with stakeholders. These face-to-face engagements are vital in building trust and rapport with the public. Additionally, exhibitions significantly enhance the Agency’s visibility.



Consultations in the construction sector have revealed that the entire value chain faces regulatory burdens and bottlenecks, affecting both the mode and cost of doing business.

The stakeholder consultations conducted by the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) highlighted dissatisfaction among stakeholders, particularly with the dual registration requirement for the Engineering Institute of Zambia (EIZ) and the National Council for Construction (NCC).

BRRA Director for Regulatory Affairs, David Frank Banda, noted that the cumbersome bidding process and its requirements often hindered some stakeholders from fully participating in tendering opportunities.

Mr. Banda emphasized that one of the Agency’s functions was to review business regulations or licensing, either on its own initiative or in response to concerns from businesses. The numerous complaints from stakeholders about the regulatory framework in the construction sector prompted the Agency to conduct a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) to identify areas for improvement.

The RIA aims to ensure that only regulations serving a legitimate purpose and imposing the least burden and compliance costs on businesses are implemented. It also addresses duplications and streamlines cumbersome processes within regulatory frameworks.

The findings and recommendations from the stakeholder consultations held in Choma, Kitwe, Lusaka, Namwala, Ndola and Solwezi will form an essential part of the RIA report on the sector. Ends.


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) programme staff have successfully been trained in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). This initiative is aimed at equipping employees with the necessary skills to enhance the effectiveness of their work, particularly in tracking the progress of the Agency’s various activities and programmes.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo commended the training, highlighting that it was delivered in a highly participatory manner, which allowed staff to fully engage with the content.

Mrs. Sichilongo expressed confidence that the newly acquired knowledge would be applied effectively, especially in the development of appropriate tools and methods for data collection required for monitoring and evaluating BRRA’s activities and programmes.

She emphasized that with the proper understanding of M&E concepts, staff would be better prepared to assess the impact of the Agency’s initiatives, ensuring continuous improvement in their implementation.

Mr. Collins Sakajila, a trainer from the In-Service Training Trust (ISTT), expressed his gratitude to BRRA for selecting ISTT to facilitate the training. Mr. Sakajila noted that the Agency had already started incorporating some of the techniques from the training into their daily operations.

He encouraged BRRA to document and share its successes and best practices, ensuring that both stakeholders and the public appreciate the Agency’s achievements.

Following the training held in Lusaka from 12th to 16th August 2024, participant Douglas Phiri described the experience as enlightening and applicable beyond just the specific Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) functions.

He said M&E was relevant to the broader responsibilities of the staff, including report writing and emphasized that the training would significantly enhance their ability to carry out their duties more effectively.




The Business Regulatory Review Agency has eleven functions as outlined in Section 14 of the Business Regulatory (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 2018. The fourth function is to manage and update the e-registry. The e-Registry is a centralized database that provides information on licences, permits, certificates, authorisations and regulations, including formalities that businesses have to comply with in order to obtain the licences. 


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Senior Public Relations Officer


Issue No. 7 , July 2024


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has emphasized the importance of private sector involvement in shaping regulations that impact businesses nationwide.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo has urged the private sector to participate in consultations that are held during the formulation of regulations.

Mrs Sichilongo emphasised that greater involvement would help businesses influence how regulations are implemented to avoid unnecessary burdens and duplications.

She expressed concern over low private sector participation during stakeholder consultations, which are critical for ensuring that new regulations are well-balanced and consider the aspirations of the private sector.

To promote stakeholder consultations, BRRA has provided the Notice and Comment portal, an online platform for public input on regulatory matters. Mrs. Sichilongo encouraged businesses to take advantage of this tool, especially those unable to attend consultations in person.

Under the Business Regulatory Act, No. 3 of 2014, public bodies and regulatory agencies are required to consult stakeholders for at least 30 days during the formulation of policies and laws.



The Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) has called on the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) to use existing networks to boost awareness of its activities and programmes.

ZACCI Chief Executive Officer Elvin Nasilele said that BRRA could distribute materials through the chamber’s platforms to allow the private sector to learn more about the agency’s mandate and initiatives.

Mr. Nasilele spoke at the BRRA’s Communications Strategy validation workshop, attended by stakeholders from the private sector, regulatory agencies, government ministries and business associations.

The workshop focused on fostering partnerships and creating alliances to drive business reforms and improve the business regulatory environment.



Cabinet Office has commended the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) for developing the Agency’s Communications Strategy.

Mr. Kennedy Kalunga, Permanent Secretary at Cabinet Office for Special Duties, emphasized that effective implementation of the Communications Strategy would positively impact awareness about the Agency. He said Government was encouraging all ministries to develop and implement communications strategies.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo said the review and rollout of the Communications Strategy was a key initiative aimed at increasing public awareness of the Agency’s mandate and services.

Mrs Sichilongo pointed out that the validation workshop provided a valuable platform for sharing the Agency’s communication activities and receiving feedback.

She expressed gratitude to the USAID Business Enabling Project for its support in reviewing the Communications Strategy and its commitment to support initial sensitisation and awareness efforts that will mark the strategy’s launch.


USAID Business Enabling Project Chief of Party, Carianne de Boer, acknowledged the ongoing collaboration between USAID Business Enabling Project and BRRA as an essential step toward advancing Zambia’s economic growth.

She noted that USAID Business Enabling Project was proud to have supported the development of BRRA’s Communications Strategy, which aims to amplify the Agency’s mandate and ensure increased accessibility to its services. The project also been providing technical assistance to upgrade the electronic registry.

The USAID Business Enabling Project, a five-year initiative (2022-2027), focuses on facilitating evidence-based public-private dialogue, strengthening select public and private sector institutions and streamlining policies and processes.




The Business Regulatory Review Agency has eleven functions as outlined in Section 14 of the Business Regulatory (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 2018. The third function is to “issue guidelines and standards for regulatory impact assessments and public consultations to be undertaken by regulatory agencies.”


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Senior Public Relations Officer


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has welcomed the introduction of the Energy Single Licensing System (ESLS) which will reduce the cost of doing business in the sector.

BRRA Director for Business Facilitation and Engagement, David S. Banda, said the ESLS will facilitate compliance with multiple licensing requirements by multiple regulatory bodies in the energy sector through a single regulatory point.

Mr. Banda said the introduction of the ESLS aligns with the Agency’s mandate of coordinating the implementation of a Single Licensing System for each sector or subsector of the economy.

The Energy Single Licensing System was launched by Ministry of Energy Permanent Secretary for Administration, Dr. Chisangano Francesca Zyambo, on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Energy Eng. Peter C. Kapala.

During the launch, Dr. Zyambo said the system will enhance private sector investments in the energy sector and promote socio-economic development in the country as envisioned in the Vision 2030.

The system will reduce duplications, improve response times and enhance coordination among agencies, thereby reducing the period applicants take to obtain licenses and permits for power development.

The ESLS was developed by the Copperbelt University with support from the EU Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP) programme.



The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) continues to drive regulatory reforms in selected sectors to improve the business regulatory environment and foster investment and business growth. The Agency’s mandate is to ensure an efficient, cost-effective and accessible business licensing system.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo stated that the BRRA has been actively engaging with regulators, policymakers and the private sector to harmonize laws, eliminate redundancies and abolish unnecessary licenses. These efforts aim to create a conducive environment for business operations.

Mrs. Sichilongo emphasized that advancing regulatory reforms will not only align with key government priorities but also enable business enterprises to grow, create employment and generate wealth for the nation.

She noted that the Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, has recently held discussions with various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Development and Ministry of Finance and National Planning to address regulatory issues and propose reforms.

One significant recommendation to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development was the merger of the business levy, fire certificate and health permit to reduce the number of licenses and associated compliance costs. Additionally, the Agency has proposed eliminating multiple levies imposed by different districts on the same consignment traversing the country.

BRRA has also engaged with the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and the Department of Forestry recommending revisions to the Forest (Amendment) (Forest Produce) Fees Regulations No. 52 of 2013. These recommendations aim to establish fees acceptable to both the private sector and the Government.

The recommendations to the Department of Forestry include submissions from Zambia Apiculture Trade Association (ZAPITRADE) who have complained that multiple charges on the same quantities of honey and high processing fees undermine the industry’s viability.

The engagement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Development focused on finding a solution to the duplication in the registration of contractors between the Engineering Institute of Zambia and the National Council for Construction.

The Executive Director stated that most of these engagements had reached an advanced stage and would yield positive benefits for the private sector. She said the selection of sectors and subsectors under discussion was informed by challenges in business regulation highlighted by private sector players including the burden of multiple and duplicative licenses on enterprises.



The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has received support from the European Union (EU) through the Inclusive Regulatory Environment Conducive to Business and Investment in Zambia project.

The project, part of the Economic Governance Support Programme funded by the EU under the 11th European Development Fund, aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation in Zambia. The three-year project, worth Four Million Euros, will strengthen BRRA’s capacity to monitor and maintain a conducive business regulatory environment and eliminate unprogressive business practices.

Team Leader, DAI EU Technical Assistance for Business Environment Argent Chuula said BRRA, the lead Agency under the project would be guided by three principles: responsibility, authority and accountability. Dr. Chuula added that while the initial stages of the project were in motion, full implementation would commence in September 2024.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo said the EU project’s support was timely and would enable the Agency to meet some of its objectives at a time when there was immense pressure to reduce the cost of doing business in the country. She also noted that support should be extended to provide capacity building for the BRRA team to enable it to work efficiently and effectively.

The project would also benefit other statutory bodies under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry and other Ministries like the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment.

This came to light during an introductory meeting at the BRRA offices attended by Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Director Planning and Information Edwin Zimba, other MCTI officers, the EU EGSP Project team and BRRA Management and staff.



Africa Public Service Day presents an opportunity to recognize and honour the contribution of the public service to the nation and the continent as a whole.

Speaking during the Public Service Day commemorations in Lusaka, Vice President Mrs. W. K. Mutale Nalumango said this is a day to pay special tribute to public service workers for their resilience in providing services to the communities they serve.

Mrs. Nalumango said this year’s theme, “Empowering a citizen-centric public service for an inclusive and thriving 21st century Africa: a journey of lifelong learning and technological transformation,” reminds the government of the need to embrace emerging technologies for enhanced socio-economic development in the 21st century.

In line with the Public Service Day theme, the Agency has focused on how it is leveraging technology in providing services to its stakeholders such as the Notice and Comment portal, the e-Registry and the One Stop Shop Integration System.

The Notice and Comment portal is an online consultation platform for business regulations accessible for use by public bodies and regulatory agencies. The Agency uses the portal to publicise regulatory proposals in order to promote stakeholder consultations in the process of developing policies and laws that impact on business.

The Notice and Comment platform enables citizens and businesses to interact with regulatory agencies and public bodies in the process of formulating regulatory interventions.

The e-Registry is a centralized database and online transaction platform holding information on licenses, permits, certificates, authorizations and regulations, including the formalities businesses must comply with and capable of facilitating the processing of applications online.

The One Stop Shop Integration System (OSSIS), used in the Regulatory Services Centre, is an e-Governance intervention leveraging Information and Communications Technology to enhance business regulation by integrating back-office systems of various Regulatory Agencies to facilitate information sharing and business registration through a single point.

These online systems have been integrated into the activities and programmes of the Agency to embrace digital transformation in easing regulation of business.

The Africa Public Service Day was characterised by exhibitions from 20th June to 23rd June, 2024 by public service institutions at East Park Mall.



As one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country, the construction sector has faced challenges regarding its regulation due to bureaucratic, cumbersome and multiple regulatory frameworks that negatively affect the sector.

In response to these concerns, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) held an engagement meeting with various players in the construction sector.

During the engagements, BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo noted that business enterprises have continued to express concern with the way the construction sector is regulated adding that bottlenecks have hindered the smooth operation of business activities and transactions.

Mrs Sichilongo further noted that while regulators in the construction sector have provided online platforms for ease of doing business, many players face challenges utilizing these platforms, hence the need for physical presence in most provinces to enhance visibility and accessibility of regulatory services.

She called on regulators in the sector to utilize the Regulatory Services Centres established by BRRA in Chinsali, Chipata, Kabwe, Kitwe, Livingstone, Lusaka and Solwezi.

During the engagement, stakeholders recommended that professionals such as Engineers, Architects and Quantity Surveyors should be the only ones to be licensed by the Engineering Institute of Zambia (EIZ) while contractors should be licensed by the National Council for Construction (NCC).

Stakeholders further recommended that the duo registration should be stopped in order to reduce the cost of doing business in the sector.

The engagement meeting held in Lusaka, aimed to obtain submissions from stakeholders on regulations in the sector and provide recommendations on what the Government should do to improve the situation.



The Business Regulatory Review Agency exhibited at the 58th Zambia International Trade Fair (ZITF) in Ndola. The ZITF which brought together local and foreign exhibitors provided a platform for the Agency to interact with different show-goers.

The 2024 theme, “Unlocking Economic Potential Through Collaboration and Partnerships,” resonated well with the Agency given the numerous partnerships it has entered into with regulatory agencies and public bodies such as the Patents and Companies Registration Agency and the Private and Public Dialogue Forum.

Among the visitors to the stand were the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Chipoka Mulenga and the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Development, Hon. Elias Mubanga.

Hon. Mubanga expressed concern over the many business licenses that businesses especially small ones, must comply with. Meanwhile, Hon. Mulenga assured his counterpart that the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry had received a report on licensing reforms from the BRRA, which the Ministry was reviewing.

On the sidelines of the ZITF, the BRRA Board Chairperson Mr.  Dominic Kapalu, participated in the business forum centred on “unlocking opportunities and addressing challenges in the Lobito Corridor for sustainable trade development.”

Mr. Kapalu explained the importance of the Lobito Corridor and its potential to contribute to trade and development. He also highlighted interventions that the Agency was putting in place to create a conducive business environment along the Lobito Corridor, including operating Regulatory Services Centres in Kitwe and Solwezi.

The Agency exhibited at the ZITF under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry together with other statutory bodies under the Ministry from 26th June to 2nd July, 2024. 





The Business Regulatory Review Agency has eleven functions as outlined in Section 14 of the Business Regulatory (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 2018. The second function is to “advise Government on matters relating to business regulation and licensing.”


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Public Relations Officer


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Honourable Chipoka Mulenga, has called for tangible improvements in the business regulatory environment to foster investment and business growth.

The Minister emphasized the need to reduce the time and cost associated with starting businesses, noting that delays and complexities in regulatory processes hinder the country’s economic growth.

Hon. Mulenga suggested that harmonizing fees and licenses could make it more affordable to start and maintain businesses. He stated that regulations should support, not penalize, those aspiring to start businesses.

The Minister made these remarks during a meeting with the Business Regulatory Review Agency’s (BRRA) Board and Management.

BRRA Board Chairperson Dominic Kapalu echoed the Minister’s sentiments, affirming the Agency’s commitment to streamlining business processes and removing regulatory barriers that impede business growth.

Mr. Kapalu expressed optimism that the Minister’s strategic guidance would help the Agency fulfil its mandate of ensuring an efficient, cost-effective, and accessible business licensing system.



The Dairy Association of Zambia (DAZ) has rejected proposed levies on the sector by the Chisamba Town Council. The Council had suggested a milk levy of twenty ngwee per litre on milk produced, sold, or exported from the district.

At a stakeholders’ consultation meeting in Chisamba, DAZ Executive Manager Jeremiah Kasalo stated that the proposed levy would burden the sector and increase business costs.

Kasalo stated that dairy farmers are already struggling with other levies, taxes, drought, and ongoing load shedding, which have driven up production costs and forced many farmers out of business.

In response to DAZ’s concerns, Acting Council Secretary Chamuka Muwamba expressed willingness to provide rebates to ease the burden on farmers.

At the same meeting, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) Director for Regulatory Affairs, David F. Banda said that the dairy subsector was shrinking due to the high cost of doing business. It was therefore, not advisable to introduce more fees and charges on the sector.

He advised the Local Authority to perform a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the proposed fees so that it could understand the impact of the proposed regulation before proposing the levy.

He said the RIA which has a component of stakeholder engagement would guide the Local Authority on how the Dairy subsector was performing and which levies, if any, could be introduced.



The Lobito Corridor Trade Facilitation Project (LCTFP), supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB), continues to aid the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) in bringing regulatory services closer to the people. This effort includes using Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs) as One-Stop Shops for trade and business facilitation along the Lobito Corridor.

This year, the project has committed to refurbishing the Kitwe Regulatory Services Centre and re-engineering business processes to better facilitate trade and business formalisation in communities along the Lobito Corridor, including Kasumbalesa, Chingola, Kalulushi, Mufulira, and Kitwe.

The LCTFP aims to boost domestic and cross-border trade, create employment, especially for women-owned enterprises, and reduce poverty in communities along the corridor.

In 2021, BRRA, with LCTFP support, established a Regulatory Services Centre in Solwezi in order to promote formalisation of businesses among micro and small enterprises along the corridor.




Local authorities have been urged to improve service delivery in order to increase compliance with levy payments. According to Section 25 of the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019, local authorities may impose levies through by-laws.

Ms Zewelanji Sinkala Mbao, a dairy farmer from Chongwe’s Silverest Area, emphasized that local authorities should enhance service delivery to motivate compliance. Ms Mbao noted that businesses would be more willing to pay levies if there were tangible benefits through the services provided.

She made these comments during a stakeholders’ engagement held by the Chisamba Town Council.

Many local authorities struggle with levy collection due to perceived ineffectiveness and inconsistency in service provision.



On May 1st, 2024, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) joined the international community in commemorating Labour Day, a day set aside to honour workers’ contributions to national development.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo commended the Agency’s staff for their year-round dedication to achieving the Agency’s mandate and strategic objectives.

BRRA’s management and staff participated in the official commemoration in Lusaka, which included a march to the Freedom Statue at the Government Complex and was graced by Vice President Mrs. W.K. Mutale Nalumango.

This year’s theme was “Building Resilience: Workers at the Heart of Zambia’s Economic Recovery.”




The Business Regulatory Review Agency has eleven functions as outlined in Section 14 of the Business Regulatory (Amendment) Act No. 14 of 2018. The first function is to “review a matter relating to business regulation or licensing on its own initiative or on a representation from a person or business.”


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Public Relations Officer



Businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs in Zambia have been urged to take advantage of the established Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs) across key cities including Chinsali, Chipata, Kabwe, Kitwe, Livingstone, Lusaka and Solwezi.

Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) Director for Business Facilitation and Engagement David S. Banda emphasized the pivotal role RSCs play in reducing the operational costs for businesses.

Mr. Banda said, by consolidating various regulatory services from Public Bodies and Regulatory Agencies under one roof, the RSCs offer a streamlined and efficient one-stop regulatory clearance system.

He Said, gone are the days of resource-draining paperwork duplication for business registration.

“Thanks to the innovative One Stop Shop Integration System (OSSIS) implemented through RSCs, entrepreneurs now only need to submit one set of documents. These documents are then seamlessly shared among all participating Regulatory Agencies and Public Bodies, eliminating redundancy and enhancing operational efficiency,” Mr. Banda said.

He underscored the transformative impact of OSSIS, citing its role in not only reducing bureaucratic hurdles but also in broadening access and opportunities for businesses. He expressed gratitude to the Regulatory Agencies and Public Bodies for their collaboration in bringing essential business services closer to the people.

Mr. Banda stated that BRRA remains committed to expanding the reach of RSCs by engaging additional regulatory partners.

Participating institutions include key entities such as the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA), Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA), Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB), Zambia Tourism Agency (ZTA), Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), and select Local Authorities among others.



In recent years, Zambia has experienced significant economic growth and development. In an effort to strengthen Zambia’s regulatory framework to promote stability and prosperity, it is necessary to scrutinize the potential drawbacks of overregulation.

One of the dangers of overregulation lies in its adverse impact on entrepreneurship and business growth. Overregulation can deter aspiring entrepreneurs from starting businesses or expanding existing ones. For instance, cumbersome licensing procedures, complex tax regulations, and stringent compliance requirements can pose significant barriers to entry, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring an efficient, cost-effective and accessible business licensing system in Zambia. The BRRA advocates for the creation of regulatory interventions that conform to procedures outlined in the Business Regulatory Act, 2014 as well as Standards and Guidelines issued by the Agency. This is to ensure that only regulations that serve a legitimate regulatory purpose and impose the least burden and least cost of compliance on businesses are adopted.

The Tourism Sector in Zambia, for instance, stands out as one of the prime tourist destinations in Africa offering a wealth of tourism assets. However, the sector’s potential to contribute to the country’s economy has not been fully exploited as it is perceived as an expensive destination due to, among other things, the licensing burden. In 2018, there were 52 licenses administered by 11 different regulatory agencies in the tourism sector, a situation which sector players say contributes to the poor performance of the sector and to the high cost of doing business.

In order to address the challenge of uncoordinated and cumbersome regulatory frameworks, the Agency proposed the establishment and operationalisation of a single licensing system in the Tourism Sector and the Government has since commenced its implementation. Single Licensing is a system designed to facilitate compliance with multiple licensing requirements by multiple regulatory bodies for a sector or a group of businesses in a sector through a single regulatory point. For the Tourism Sector, the single licensing system would streamline business registration and licensing procedures for businesses in subsectors to be identified through consultations with tourism sector players and regulatory agencies.

In 2023, the Agency advocated for the issuance of two Statutory Instruments abolishing annual retention fees which were attached to the renewal of the Tourism Enterprise license and to the classification and grading of accommodation establishments.

These are some of the milestones which need to be celebrated considering that the Agency is operating in an environment filled with Institutional framework ‘landmines’ which make it difficult for the Business Regulatory Review Agency to navigate and meet its full potential.



In a bid to streamline business operations and enhance accessibility, the Chinsali Municipal Council has announced plans to introduce three key services at the Chinsali Regulatory Services Centre (RSC). These services include the issuance of business permits, fire safety certificates and health certifications, all conveniently available from a centralized location.

Abwino Banda, Director for Public Health, speaking on behalf of the Town Clerk, affirmed the Municipality’s commitment to this initiative. He emphasized the significance of this move in simplifying processes for businesses and promoting compliance with regulatory requirements.

The decision to operate from the RSC, follows a productive engagement and orientation meeting organized for Chinsali Municipal Council staff by the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA).

David S. Banda, Director for Business Facilitation and Engagement at BRRA, commended the municipality for its proactive approach and urged other Regulatory Agencies and Public Bodies to emulate this model.

The BRRA was in Chinsali to refurbish the Chinsali Regulatory Services Centre. This refurbishment aims to ensure the Center’s readiness for full operationalization, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the delivery and accessibility of business regulatory services in the region.


Exhibitions and shows serve as invaluable platforms for institutions to showcase their products and engage directly with stakeholders and the wider public.

Recognizing the significance of these events, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) actively participates to gather feedback and insights from attendees, aiding in continuous improvement efforts.

Recently, at the National MSMEs and Cooperatives Indaba organized by the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises Development, BRRA seized the opportunity to exhibit its services and engage with delegates.

This interaction proved fruitful, providing valuable feedback that will serve as a foundation for future exhibitions, including the upcoming Zambia International Trade Fair in Ndola and the Agricultural and Commercial Show in Lusaka.

Held on 10th – 11th April, 2024, the Indaba facilitated meaningful exchanges and connections.

BRRA extends its gratitude to all stakeholders who visited the stand, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and dialogue in advancing regulatory processes and supporting businesses.


The Business Regulatory Act No.3, 2014 is complementary to any law regulating business. Therefore, any regulation that has a bearing on the conduct of business, be it to start, operate or cease to operate a business, falls under the jurisdiction of the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA).


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Public Relations Officer

Thelma Musonda – Senior Regulatory Impact Assessment Analyst



An eleven-member delegation from Ghana recently conducted a benchmarking exercise in Zambia, specifically at the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA). The purpose of their visit was to study and learn from Zambia’s successful design, coordination, and management of a sustainable business environment reforms framework.

During their visit, the BRRA team, led by Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo, provided insights into the agency’s mandate, activities, and programmes.

The Agency also highlighted the collaborative efforts with other stakeholders to promote a conducive business regulatory environment in Zambia. Mrs. Sichilongo expressed satisfaction with the high-level delegation’s interest in benchmarking BRRA’s operational and structural effectiveness.

Ghanaian High Commissioner to Zambia, Her Excellency Ms. Khadija Iddrisu, emphasized the importance of such visits in strengthening bilateral relations and implementing reforms aimed at reducing the cost of doing business.

Mr. Kofi Addo, Director of the One District – One Factory initiative in Ghana’s Ministry of Trade and Industry, conveyed gratitude to BRRA for hosting the delegation. He noted that the visit would help their team avoid the common risks associated with implementing new reforms and coordination efforts.

In addition to BRRA, the Ghanaian delegation also held meetings with Ms. Lilian Bwalya, Permanent Secretary in charge of Commerce and Trade in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry.

The Ghana delegation also visited other key institutions such as the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA), the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), and the Public-Private Dialogue Forum (PPDF) to gain first-hand experience on BRRA’s coordination with regulatory agencies and stakeholders.

The delegation comprised officers from various Ghanaian ministries including Trade and Industry, Finance, and the Office of the Attorney General as well as representatives from the Private Enterprise Federation.



In a bid to enhance collaboration between the two institutions, the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) and the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) have entered into a five-year agreement to establish and coordinate Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs).

The RSCs will serve as one-stop shops for various business regulatory services, aiming to enhance delivery and accessibility while reducing the costs of doing business.

The agreement was signed by BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo and PACRA Registrar and CEO Benson Mpalo in Lusaka.

Under the MoU, BRRA will ensure the operationalization of premises identified by PACRA as RSCs, including procurement, installation, and maintenance of furniture and equipment. BRRA will also manage the day-to-day operations of the RSCs and handle associated financial matters.

Besides identifying office space for use as Regulatory Services Centres in provincial capitals, PACRA will ensure the availability of its members of staff to provide PACRA services in Regulatory Services Centres.

The establishment of RSCs is part of a broader strategy to improve the business environment in Zambia by simplifying procedures, reducing registration times, and increasing accessibility to regulatory services.



The private sector in Zambia has been encouraged to take an active role in informing the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) about any challenges hindering business growth and to participate in the formulation of regulations.

BRRA’s Executive Director, Sharon Sichilongo, emphasized that effective regulation should not only focus on enforcement but also on creating an environment conducive to business prosperity.

She highlighted the importance of private sector involvement in regulation formulation and positioned BRRA as an ally to the private sector, promoting their participation in economic activities through transparent and meaningful dialogue.

Dr. Nelson Musonda, President of the Chililabombwe Chamber of Commerce, acknowledged the importance of engagement with BRRA, stating that it had helped them understand the Agency’s role in fostering a conducive business regulatory environment.

He pledged to collaborate with other business associations to provide feedback to BRRA on issues affecting businesses.

BRRA recently conducted regulatory environment monitoring visits to Chililabombwe, Mpongwe, Masaiti, Lufwayama and Livingstone.

During these visits, the Agency engaged with local entrepreneurs, business enterprises, Chililabombwe Chamber of Commerce and Local Authorities to address various regulatory issues impacting businesses in those areas.



The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) and the Public Private Dialogue Forum (PPDF) have inked a five-year memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the aim of nurturing a favourable business and investment climate in Zambia.

The agreement outlines plans to establish a shared platform for exchanging ideas and information on matters pertaining to the business and investment landscape.

This collaboration is envisioned to bolster reforms aimed at streamlining the business licensing system, fostering efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility.

Additionally, the parties intend to conduct joint monitoring and evaluation activities to gain insights into pertinent business, investment, and economic issues.

The MoU serves as a framework for enhanced cooperation between BRRA and PPDF, facilitating the sharing of information on regulatory challenges and interventions affecting businesses at district and national levels.

Furthermore, both parties have committed to conducting joint training and capacity-building initiatives focused on advancing the business reform agenda and enhancing regulatory delivery.

BRRA Executive Director, Mrs. Sharon Sichilongo, and PPDF Director General Mr. Andrew Chipwende signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations in Lusaka.



The Agency took part in the annual celebration of the International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2024 which was held under the theme “Invest in Women and Girls, Accelerate Progress”. During the commemorations, the Agency matched with other Statutory Bodies under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. Below is the commemoration in pictures.



The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) is mandated to coordinate the establishment, operationalisation and roll out of Regulatory Services Centres (RSCs) in Zambia in order to improve delivery and accessibility of business regulatory services and ultimately reduce the cost of doing business.


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Public Relations Officer


The Sinazongwe Town Council has submitted its Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) report and Stakeholder consultation report on the introduction of a Coal Levy by-law to the Business Regulatory Review Agency for consideration.

The completion of the RIA follows the Council’s notification to BRRA of its intention to introduce a coal levy aimed at helping the Local Authority collect revenue to address some adverse effects of coal mining in Sinazongwe District.

Sinazongwe Town Council Secretary Choolwe Maunga said the RIA and proposed By-Law were subjected to consultations with the public and various stakeholders in three (03) communities namely Maamba, Sinazeze and Sinazongwe through physical public meetings, phone-in radio programmes and focus group meetings with mining companies.

Ms. Maunga said the proposal to introduce the Coal Levy at K49.00 per ton on all coal mining ventures in the District was welcomed by all stakeholders as it was considered as one option of alleviating the environmental, infrastructural and social matters affecting the district as a result of coal mining.

The Council Secretary has thanked the BRRA for the invariable technical support which enabled the council to successfully perform the RIA and Stakeholder Consultations. She has also thanked the people of Sinazongwe for attending the stakeholder engagement meetings in numbers and making their submissions which helped to shape the RIA.

In receiving the Regulatory Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Consultation reports, BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo commended Sinazongwe Council for subjecting the proposed Coal Levy to the RIA process and stakeholder consultations.





In compliance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 2018, Management and staff at the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) have been trained in Risk Management, Frameworks and Risk Registers.

The training conducted by the Ministry of Finance and National Planning follows the BRRA’s desire to comply with Government’s directive for the public sector to implement and integrate risk management systems in their key business processes.

During the training, BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo said the training will foster a deeper understanding of risk management among Management and Staff and demonstrates the Agency’s commitment to enhancing organizational effectiveness and resilience in the face of potential risks

“This understanding is essential for the agency’s growth and sustainability, as it enables the implementation of robust risk mitigation measures to safeguard against potential threats,” she said.

Ministry of Finance and National Planning Director of Risk Management Barabina Mporokoso emphasized the broader benefits of establishing risk management frameworks.

“These frameworks not only facilitate effective resource utilization but also improve compliance with regulations and enable proactive identification and management of unforeseen risks,” Ms Mporokoso said.




In compliance with the requirements of the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2014, Mazabuka Municipal Council has officially notified the Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) of its intention to revise the cane levy.

According to Section 6 of the Business Regulatory Act, a public body that intends to introduce any policy or proposed law for regulating business activity shall among other requirements give notice, in writing, of that intention to the Business Regulatory Review Agency.

In a communique to the Agency, Mazabuka Town Clerk Judith Maambo said the Municipality intended to revise the cane levy fees from the current 0.40 kwacha per ton for Zambia Sugar Company and 0.30 per ton for other cane producers per ton to thirty kwacha per ton for all categories of farmers.

Mrs. Maambo said the cane levy rates had not been reviewed for more than Ten (10) years from the time the fees were introduced via a by-law. She said the decision to revise the fees was approved in an ordinary Council Meeting.

The Town Clerk added that collecting levies enabled the Council to provide various services to the public in general, including sanitation facilities, good roads, and garbage collection.

During the engagement with Mazabuka Municipal Council, BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo commended the Municipality for mobilizing officers from all departments of the Council to be sensitised on the importance of the RIA process.

Mrs. Sichilongo emphasized the need for the Council to adhere to the principles in the Business Regulatory Act and to the RIA Standards and Guidelines. She further called on all local authorities to comply with Section 26 of the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019 which stipulates that a proposed by-law or council resolution introducing a licence, permit or certificate shall be subject to the licensing procedure and criteria under the Business Regulatory Act of 2014.




The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has taken a firm stance on enforcing the guidelines outlined in the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2014.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo has emphasized that Regulatory Agencies and Public Bodies must comply with the requirements of the Act, including undertaking Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) and engaging in stakeholder consultations before introducing new regulations or fees.

“The Agency will demand suspension of regulations, including levies or fees, that are introduced by regulatory agencies and public bodies without undertaking a RIA and consultations with stakeholders,” Mrs. Sichilongo said.

The Executive Director said Regulatory agencies and public bodies should be aware that the BR Act is complimentary to any law that they operate under and the Agency will continue to actively enforce the guidelines.

She emphasised that all regulators must prioritize transparency through stakeholder consultations and adhere to regulatory standards prescribed in the BR Act when introducing and implementing regulations.





Guidelines outlined under Section 6 of the Business Regulatory Act, No 3 of 2014 require all regulatory agencies and public bodies to undertake a Regulatory Impact Assessment and public consultations with stakeholders and submit a Regulatory Impact Assessment report and consultation report to the BRRA for consideration.


Masiye Mwanza Mulenga – Public Relations Officer

Choolwe Maunga – Council Secretary, Sinazongwe Town Council


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has introduced an online Notice and Comment portal to facilitate prompt feedback from businesses, particularly the private sector, on regulatory issues.

Mrs Sharon Sichilongo, the Executive Director of the BRRA, highlighted the importance of the portal as a means to gather input and feedback from the public, with a particular emphasis on the private sector.

The Notice and Comment portal serves as a platform for businesses, including Business Associations, to report on regulatory frameworks that may be burdensome to them or have been introduced without following the due process outlined in the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2014.

This initiative aims to ensure that the Agency remains vigilant to regulations impacting business activities and that proper procedures are followed in formulation of business regulations.

During a press briefing held on January 30, 2023, at Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka, Mrs Sichilongo emphasized the agency’s commitment to timely reviewing feedback from the private sector and encouraged businesses to actively use the online portal to provide their input.

BRRA established the Notice and Comment portal to allow the private sector to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of regulations under various legislations.


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has raised concerns on the exorbitant fees imposed on businesses by regulatory and public bodies.

According to Mr. Dominic Kapalu, the Chairperson of the BRRA’s Board, the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2016 specifies that the fees charged for licences and other business regulations should be merely to defray administrative costs.

During a press briefing, Mr. Kapalu emphasized that if the primary goal of regulatory agencies and public bodies was to generate revenue, businesses may struggle to achieve growth as the high costs of obtaining licenses will hinder their ability to operate.

He highlighted the financial burden on business owners, stating that they are required to pay around Twenty Thousand Kwacha (ZMW20,000) just to operationalise a business. This, according to Mr. Kapalu, contributes to pushing people into poverty, as the initial cost of starting a business is excessively high.

Mr. Kapalu urged regulatory agencies to play a role in reducing the overall cost of doing business. He emphasised that validity periods for licenses and certificates should confirm with that provided in the Business Regulatory Act, that is for unlimited periods and 3 years respectively.


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has implored regulatory bodies and public bodies to undertake stakeholder consultations before introducing any regulations.

BRRA Director for Regulatory Affairs Mr. David Frank Banda said stakeholder consultation was an essential component of policy and law formulation that gives an opportunity for stakeholders to have an input on how the policy or law would affect their business.

Mr. Banda has since commended the Zambia Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA) for conducting stakeholder consultations as part of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the introduction of Regulations under the Environmental Management Amendment Act No. 8 of 2023.

He has since called on stakeholders to actively participate in the consultations as any policy or law which will be passed will directly affect their businesses.

Stakeholder consultations spearheaded by ZEMA started on 22nd January in Lusaka at Government Complex Conference Centre and will run for a period of not less than 30 days.

It is mandatory under the Business Regulatory Act, 2014 for public bodies and regulatory agencies to undertake stakeholder consultations for a period of not less than 30 days with proprietors of business enterprises who will be affected with the proposed regulatory framework as well as those that will benefit from it. Other Government institutions also need to be consulted to ensure that there are no duplicated functions and mandates.


The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) is actively working towards implementing a single licensing system to address the challenges associated with various licenses that businesses are required to comply with.

The goal is to streamline and simplify the licensing process by consolidating multiple license requirements from different regulatory bodies within a sector or group of businesses under a single regulatory body.

BRRA Board Chairperson Dominic Kapalu emphasized that a Single Licensing System will enhance compliance with multiple license requirements, making it more efficient for businesses to navigate through regulatory processes.

The current system involves obtaining licenses from various legislations, leading to complexities and higher costs of doing business.

BRRA Executive Director Sharon Sichilongo said successful implementation of the single licencing system is hindered by existing legislations and that the cost of doing business will only decrease once these legislations are amended.

Mrs Sichilongo emphasized the importance of regulatory agencies responding and implementing recommended changes under various sectors.

To facilitate the implementation of the single licensing system, BRRA is actively engaging with regulatory agencies and public bodies responsible for overseeing the licenses.

The focus is on expediting the amendment of identified regulations to enable the transition to a more streamlined and cost-effective licensing process.

Feasibility studies have also been conducted in the energy sector and the Daily and Edible Oils sub-sectors which justified the implementation of a single licensing system in these areas.

Overall, the BRRA’s initiative aims to create a more business-friendly environment by simplifying regulatory processes and reducing the administrative burden associated with obtaining multiple licenses from different regulatory bodies.

The success of this endeavour depends on legislative amendments, regulatory agency responsiveness, and the implementation of recommended changes.

Download PDF Issues No. 8  AUGUST 2024 BRRA NEWSLETTER